Here you can find all of the skins I have made.

I am having a problem with my wallpaper I uploaded. I uploaded a wallpaper, and it is not showing up in the wallpaper search. It says that it is set to private. If I uncheck that box it rechecks it. Can anyone help me? Thanks for any help in advance.

on Feb 14, 2008
Sorry I forgot to post the link to the wallpaper. Here it is:
on Feb 14, 2008

That box is being checked by moderators when reviewing the submission.  Because of the volume of wallpapers we receive every day, we are more critical of what makes it to the public gallery.  Work that we, as a team, feel does not meet that bar, is placed on the user's personal page.  It's still publicly accessible, it just doesn't appear in the main gallery list.

Resubmitting your work repeatedly will not change this flag.  We have notes on all skins that are moderated so we know when an item has been flagged for personal page only.

on Feb 14, 2008
O ok thanks for the quick reply I thought I was doing somthing rong.